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2nd August 2021

Hybrid Working – What does it mean & how do we go about it?

Employers are starting to bring their employees back to the workplace and considering other working models.  

27th July 2021

Creating a Covid secure workplace – how should we prepare?

We know that a number of you will be starting to think about returning to work & how to prepare your business.  

6th June 2021

Covid-Related Tribunal Claims Employers Could Face

Here is a round-up of just some of the possible employment tribunal claims related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

24th May 2021

Why should I consider outsourcing my HR now?

For all business owners, keeping your business afloat as well as growing is a key priority more than ever now.

8th January 2021

Lockdown3 – Everything you need to know

Here we go again! With the latest government announcement on Monday the 4th of January 2021, the nation is once again in lockdown. The announcement has outlined that everyone must stay at home and only leave for specific reasons. This also includes…

17th December 2020

Getting Brexit ready – immigration changes

To state that Covid-19 has had a huge impact on UK businesses this year is somewhat of an understatement. It has been an unwelcome distraction that…

8th December 2020

Working from home could last until Easter… or maybe forever?

Working from home has not only become the new norm for the majority of us but it could continue way into the New Year according to Personnel Today. But the real question is, will it last forever?

9th September 2020

An employers guide to fair furlough

With the furlough scheme (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme) extended until the 30 April 2021, there has been further focus on how employers have chosen which of their employees to furlough.

1st August 2020

Sharon….you’re still on mute. Top tips to Zoom like a pro

We’ve all been there haven’t we? You’re on mute, you’re not on mute…. there goes the dog barking or the postman in the background window. For those of us who…

2nd March 2020

The ‘Secret’ To Increasing Employee Engagement

Building a positive culture under normal working conditions is challenging. And remote working can add an extra layer of complexity.