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25th August 2021

What does “Making Tax Digital” mean for me?

Making Tax Digital is not a new concept and may be something that you have heard of already.  

24th April 2021

Domestic reverse charge VAT – Construction

As of the 1st of March 2021, there will be a new VAT legislation taking effect for the construction industry introduced by HMRC.

2nd March 2021

Spring Budget 2021 – Your Questions Answered

Last week the Chancellor of the exchequer, Rishi Sunak, announced the Budget statement to the MPs in the House of Commons. The budget outlines the state of the economy and the government’s plans, including any… Read more

2nd January 2021

IR35 – Everything you need to know

Despite being a legislation that was implemented in 2000, it has come into the spotlight most recently and over the last couple of years, due to continual changes and advancements. The most recent change centred… Read more

16th October 2020

Working from home? Don’t forget you can claim costs!

For those of you who are self-employed, working from home is not a “new norm” and something you’re used to. However, for the vast majority of us, working from home is something we’ve all taken on over the past year due to the pandemic.

2nd February 2020

HMRC Delays Reverse Charge VAT For Construction

In a move that has elated most, HMRC has announced a postponement of the new domestic reverse charge VAT for construction businesses until October 2020. The delay is to provide VAT-registered businesses in the UK with more… Read more